Saturday, August 22, 2015

'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3' Begins Multiplayer Beta for PS4

Call of Duty Black Ops III
Treyarch's "Call of Duty: Black Ops III" has commenced its multiplayer beta on PlayStation 4 with three modes playable in seven maps.
Treyarch and Activision previously announced a multiplayer beta for "Call of Duty: Black Ops III" as part of their exclusive deal with Sony.
The beta finally arrived Wednesday, giving players who preordered the first-person shooter access to new maps and modes, weapon customization, specialists, and other features until August 23.
With three maps available, players will get to experience a part of the upcoming title's full version, using various gameplay styles and high-octane combat in the game's newly added momentum and chain-based system.
Beta participants will have the option to play as one of eight Specialists, two of whom have recently been revealed for the new installation. With seven game modes up for experimentation, players can take advantage of the game's advanced weaponry, all-new gear, and several surprises they encounter along the way.
The beta will incorporate weapon customization via Create-a-Class and the Weapon Paint Shop. Players will also get to experience how gameplay progression will affect their weapons, equipment, and scorestreaks, with all progress geared for a reset when the beta ends on Sunday.
"Call of Duty: Black Ops III," the fourth installation in the "Call of Duty" series' "Black Ops" story arc, puts players in the role of a Black Ops soldier thrust into a dark and grim future ruled by biotechnology and cybernetics.
As a new breed of fighter empowered by Direct Neural Interface technology, players embark on a series of campaigns, moving fluidly through different environments while maintaining control of their weapons.
The multiplayer beta for PS4 will run through August 23, and will be launched for PC and Xbox One for five days starting August 26, with an official release for the game scheduled for November 6 for all platforms.



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