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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Snake’s Blue Bionic Arm: Metal Gear Solid V Trailer Coming Next Week

Snake’s Blue Bionic Arm: Metal Gear Solid V Trailer Coming Next Week
A brand new Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain trailer will debut at Gamescom next week.
Hideo Kojima, creator of the series, has been busy tweeting about the up-and-coming stealth game.
The 51-year-old, who is rumoured to be leaving Konami following MGSV’s release, hinted that the development of the huge Mother Base – showcased in previous trailers – will feature prominently in the video.

Arguably his coolest tweet however, was this image (below) of Snake’s new bionic arm. The contraption – previously advertised as red in color – features the word ‘WISP’ and was posted with the caption: “Took a photo of the TV screen. guess what this is?”
We won’t have to wait long to see the arm in action either, as, for the first time in series history, there will also be a playable version of the game at Gamescom next week. Make sure to check back here for updates.
MGSV: Phantom Pain releases worldwide for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on September 1, here’s hoping it’s as good as eve

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