Battlefield 4 Legacy Operations DLC is Here And its Free
Last year, Dice the developers of Battlefield, asked fans what map from the previous titles they would want to see in Battlefield 4. After going through the thousands of responses, it was revealed in November that the map to make a come back in Battlefield 4 would be Dragon Valley. Now the wait is over; the most-demanded map is here and its free.
The classic Battlefield 2 map, Dragon Valley was one of the biggest maps of the game with a massive number of flags and repairable bridges. Dice has done an excellent job to bring it back; and as if that wasn't enough, it has made it even better. The map still features the repairable bridges and a bucket load of flags however, now with the addition of better draw distance, dynamic cloud cover and a Rush mode; the overall game experience is a whole lot more enjoyable.
The dynamic cloud cover lets players have intense dogfights while also shrouding the ground forces from aerial threats. That’s not all; since Dragon Valley is a massive map, Dice managed to include the Battlefield 3 map, Noshahr Canals. This map is located inside the second harbour area to let players enjoy the most-played death match map in the entire series, all over again.
Apart from adding new features and getting the most out of its Frostbite 3 engine, Dice has also added a patch to make improvements to gameplay and animations. The DLC is now available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.
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